This week I have been putting into practice what I preach. I opened The Small Seller Facebook page, and began to put some of the hints and tips in place. What I wanted to do for this post was research further tips to getting your page to the 100 likes and above. In all honesty there is very little out there on just starting out.
There are loads of blogs and videos on getting to 1000, 10000, or 100000 likes but social media is like a wave, it starts small but without the right energy it will just crash and die on the rocks, but if you get the right flow it builds quicker, so getting 1000 to 2000 likes is easier than getting the first 100.
I have discovered a couple of tips which have helped though.
What I have done
This week I have been going through niche groups, joining about 15 different groups. I have then gone through the membership (where I can) and then friend requested between 50-150 people a day. You have to space this out as Facebook does start blocking you if you do too many as it alerts spam warnings. If you cannot get onto the membership page then I have gone through the posts and checked out people who have liked the posts and then requested them.
I have also posted where allowed my header url onto the group.
If you are on Facebook more than me, which to be honest I am not fan of it in general, then you could get many more followers, but I use it solely for business and don't go on it as habit.
I have done this for 5 days, and now I am getting the friendship feed off Facebook that shows I have mutual friends, anyone I have 5 or more with or if they have self employed in their interests box then I simply friend request direct from the page. Saves a lot of time and you can do a few more before warnings start to appear.
Just once a day, first thing, I invite all people not invited before to like my page. This is Monday to Friday and it has picked up 70 likes in 1 week. For a first week this is not bad. On Saturday and Sunday I will be friending people but leaving the invites till Monday morning.
The inviting takes 5 minutes, while friending can be as long as you like, try a few minutes each time you go onto Facebook.
I do try to allow a minimum of 24 hours before a new friend gets an invite to any page.
Tip: What I found made a good impression and gets you loads of exposure, is if someone likes your page, or a post then go to their timeline and give a quick thank you, don’t put a link there but use the page name. Most like the comment and this also shares your page name to all their followers as well. This is the buzzword engagement and putting the Social into media.
Getting the ball rolling;
As I said last post I got family and close friends to like the page first, some may have loads of friends on there Facebook status, more the merrier. Get them to like the page and posts you have scheduled, and also share them to their friends. The more likes you get the more Facebook shows your post to others not in your closest circle.
Like ladders:
There are pages called Like Ladders, however the jury is still out. Some people think they are brilliant, others say they do nothing. I haven’t seen a great deal either way. Gotten a few likes from them, I have only really used one called Like Ladders for UK small business. I have gone to pages, liked them and put a message on their page about liking from The Small Seller. Wether they lead to more engagement I really don’t know, I think try them but don’t go crazy, like who are relevant and may engage, but keep an eye on empty likes.
This week just an update on facebook, however I am going to keep at it. It’s like success only comes before work in the dictionary and no more true than building up your Facebook connections. But it is too big to be ignored. Don’t get disheartened with it, once you get going and post everyday and get your likes up it will really build. You are climbing the mountain, and it takes time and effort, but you can get to the top,
I will do another Facebook update in a few weeks, see how well it is going.